Aunt Flossie's Sour Cream Pound Cake
Soup 'n Salads
Spuds 'n Veges
Recipe Form
1 cup butter
3 cups sugar
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp lemon extract
1-1/2 tsp vanilla
1 cup sour cream
6 whole eggs
3 cups all purpose flour
Beat butter to cream.
Gradually beat in sugar, baking soda and flavorings.
Add sour cream and mix well.
Beat in eggs two at a time.
Beat in flour a cup at a time.
Beat well after each addition.
Pour batter into a well buttered and floured 10 inch tube pan.
Bake in preheated 325 degree oven for 1-1/2 hours or until cake tests done with clean knife.
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To Prepare Tube or Bundt Cake Pan 1. Spray with PAM and flour pan on all sides, hitting pan to disperse flour as you turn it. 2. After taking tube pan out of oven, release all sides gently with pastry knife without injury to cake. This means the outside and inside around hole of pan. 3. Finally, turn cake upside down on rack or elevate over a dish with kitchen tools. 4. Here's where patience is necessary. After 50 minutes try releasing cake by gently shaking up and down in rapid succession over cake dish until it is released. 5. The trick is to let it cool completely.
[Soup 'n Salads]
[Spuds 'n Veges]
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@2001 lmw